The Harm of Skipping a San Diego Oil Change

The Power of a California Tune-Up

At Automobile Shop San Diego, we are often asked what is included in a standard tune-up. There are many benefits to getting a tune-up, so let’s take a closer look at some other ways a tune-up can help your vehicle. 

Better Mileage

Getting a tune-up can fix all the minor issues with your car that you may not have noticed are causing you to spend more on gas. For instance, if the brakes are sticking, it could be contributing to your car needing more gas than usual. Poor fuel economy may also mean that your tires are not aligned properly, causing them to rotate at an angle and increase friction on axles against the roadway. A simple tire rotation and alignment can be an easy fix to this problem and even help you reduce the amount of gas your vehicle needs on your daily commute. 

Fix a Rough Ride

The Power of a California Tune-UpIt’s a fact that, as your car ages, it just will not run like it used to. You may have noticed more shaking or difficulty getting your engine started in the morning. A power check and energy check by your auto mechanic in San Diego can diagnose both these issues and determine what is causing the problem and why your car is not holding power as it should. From the starter to the tailpipe, there are many internal parts that could be a potential cause. A certified mechanic San Diego can locate the issue and repair it so that you do not have to suffer an uncomfortable ride. 

Dashboard Lights

Every warning light on your vehicle is meant to tell you something, and unfortunately, not every driver can decipher car diagnostics. For that reason, our team of qualified auto mechanics San Diego will work to see what each light means, why they are on, and how to repair them quickly and efficiently.

A Complete Check-Up

You should think of a tune-up the same way you consider a medical check-up. It is just a way to thoroughly inspect all the working parts, find potential issues, and allow them to be fixed. Just like your doctor may prescribe medicine, your mechanic San Diego will recommend what you should have done to improve your handling, decrease the risk of a breakdown, and provide for a better overall ride. 

Your mechanic San Diego may not always find a problem, which is great news for any vehicle owner, but in the majority of cases, there will be a few things that you should fix before hitting the road again. 

Tune-Up San Diego CA

Automobile Repair Shop San Diego is a family-owned and operated repair shop that has provided quality tune-up in San Diego for years. We offer you hassle-free estimates and repairs in San Diego starting with a precise assessment of your vehicle’s current issues. We will tow your vehicle for FREE to our shop, organize for a rental car, and work directly with the insurance company to streamline the repair process. We will even pay up to $500 of your deductible. Contact us today at 1 (619) 330-0862 to see how we can help.