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Becoming a Certified Auto Technician

Becoming an automotive technician is just the first of many steps to becoming proficient in the field of vehicle repair. Those who are more willing to take on the challenge choose to continue down the path of success by earning certifications that set them apart from other technicians. 

There are many different kinds of certifications an automotive technician can earn, but becoming Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified is often the most desired by both mechanics and employers. 

Getting an ASE certification is the next step for any mechanic, even if they are just starting their journey or they have been working on the job for some time. The majority of high-end auto repair shops in San Diego put a demand on their mechanics to hold this certification. Having this certification can make a mechanic more attractive to employers, setting you apart from other candidates, and it can help show potential clients that you are dedicated and qualified to get the job done. 

Variations of ASE Certification

Becoming a Certified Auto TechnicianThe scope of work completed by car repair technicians is board, meaning that there are many areas in which a technician can and should be certified. When a mechanic gets a certification, he is increasing his knowledge and becoming more skilled at particular skills of the trade. 

It is very possible, and often encouraged, that mechanics hold a certificate in more than a single area. Each certificate requires that a technician take and pass a specific ASE assessment related to that specific field. 

Many technicians even earn their certifications while continuing their education, meaning that mechanics seeking certification do not have to worry about getting all their certifications before landing a job. 

There are many ASE certificates available throughout a technician’s career, making it easier for them to learn and more up as they continue to work in the industry and gain more experience. In order to gain eligibility for many ASE certifications, all candidates must do is complete a specific amount of work experience. After these hours have been completed, ASE will issue the specific certification reached. 

Automotive technicians can find many new opportunities after claiming one of these certifications for their own. 

Some of the more popular certifications include:

  • Repair technician (1, 2, or 3 years)
  • Parts specialist (2 years)
  • Collision damage estimator (2 years)
  • Service consultant (2 years)
  • Master technician

There are over 40 other certifications that you may also use to become ASE certified. 

Other Automotive Technician Certifications

ASE certifications are the most widely known and sought-after certificates that can be held by an auto technician, but there are many other certifications that those in the field can work toward. As a customer, you should be on the lookout for shops with mechanics with as many different certifications as possible.  

There are manufacturer-specific certifications that can show proficiency in working on a specific make of vehicle. There are many consumers who like to go to mechanics that specialize in a given brand in order to make sure their work is done right. When choosing a repair shop, you want to feel confident that you are getting an auto technician that can work specifically on your make of vehicle and can offer the best care. 

All major vehicle manufacturers offer certifications of proficiency working on their cars. These manufacturer-specific certificates can show potential customers that an auto technician has an exceptional level of understanding when it comes to working on the make and model of cars included in the certification. 

Mechanics who hold these kinds of certifications frequently work at dealerships or brand-specific auto repair shops and are certified to diagnose problems, follow specific repair procedures, understand the design and its fuel demands, and work on the car safety systems and electrical components. 

Manufacturer-specific certificates are available to all kinds of auto technicians and provide many different levels of proficiency. After earning an initial certificate, mechanics can proceed to work on specific brand vehicles for many years. 

After completing specific amounts of work training, mechanics can then proceed to earn a master technician certificate based on their knowledge, experience, and skill level. Establishing the goal of becoming a master technician is a fantastic way for a mechanic to focus on their career and achieve more. Master technician status is the highest level of distinction an auto mechanic can earn and is highly regarded in the industry. 

Is a Certification Worth It?

Like many things in life, knowledge is power. This is also true in the automotive repair industry. The more a technician knows, the better he or she will be at their job. That means earning an ASE certification or a manufacturer-specific certificate is a fantastic way to show potential clients that you are a skilled mechanic and that they can trust you with their car. 

Mechanics who hold certificates and the knowledge needed to earn one can earn higher wages. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLB), the salary for an automotive technician is at around $40,000 annually, while those who have an ASE certification can earn more than $51,000 per year. Essentially, that means certified technicians have a yearly salary that is nearly 20% higher than the average mechanic who does not have a certification. Additional certifications can also lead to potential pay increases as mechanics continue their careers. 

This is because ASE-certified technicians are more knowledgeable and more competent at getting the job. 

San Diego Auto Repair Shops

Automobile Repair Shop San Diego is a family-owned and operated business that has been providing the best repair experiences. We will offer you hassle-free auto repairs starting with a precise damage assessment or estimate. We will tow your vehicle for FREE to our shop, organize for a rental car, and work directly with the insurance company to streamline the repair process. We will even pay up to $500 of your deductible. Contact us today to see how we can help.