Like any other thing that can break, there is a time when you have to decide if it is smarter to pay the extra cash to have someone else handle the repair or try to save some money by repairing your car on your own.
Regardless, there are times when you shouldn’t even consider fixing certain vehicle repairs. We have compiled ten primary examples of when it is best to step aside in order to protect your car and your own safety.
1 | Body Work & Paint
Repairing damaged body panels and applying paint is a costly, sloppy, annoying, and time-consuming process. Between all the fumes and required training, it is a type of repair for which qualified professionals are the obvious choice.
By handling this repair on your own, it is much easier to end up with a shoddy job with bubbles, sanding gouges, and a variety of other problems. Painting isn’t any better. Terrible coverage, insufficient clear coats, “orange peel,” and overspray issues are extremely common when performed in a throwaway paint shop. We know this repair is costly — but so is recognizing that the whole job needs to be done a second time.
2 | ECU Fixes & Tuning
A good rule is to always leave vehicle computer repairs alone. Unless you are a certified ASE technician, there is no reason you should be messing with air/fuel ratios, shift points, and redline limiters. Have a qualified mechanic take the reigns and repair any issues.
3 | Windshield Replacement
This is a repair that makes drivers tremble, and at around $200 to $300 a pop, it is easy to understand why. While you can regularly cut a used one out of a donor vehicle from a junkyard for nearly nothing, by the time you cover the costs for adhesive, fresh clips, and any needed window trim pieces, that bill you would get from a nearby San Diego auto repair shop wouldn’t seem so bad. Spend the cash and have your brand-new windshield installed professionally. The last thing you want is a leaky piece of glass ruining the interior of your car.
4 | Electrical Gremlins
Outside of changing out a new fuse or relay, staying from typical electrical repairs is a smart move. There are limitless yards of electric wiring in a vehicle, with many connectors, sensors, and computers plugged into them. If certified industrial electricians tend to avoid these automotive electronic gremlins, it might be wise for you to do the same.
5 | Fuel System Fixes
This is a fantastic way to blow up your car and get third-degree burns in the process. Fuel systems have the ability to cause headaches, garage fires, and you to lose consciousness. We advise that you play it safe and leave anything having to do with replacing a fuel pump, tank, injectors, rails, or pressurized lines to the professionals.
6 | Snapped Coil Springs
Always under intense pressure and forceful enough to kill a full-grown adult, the springs on a vehicle are like tightly wound mouse traps capable of inflicting serious injury. There are many dangers associated with swapping springs, and even though it is by no means an impossible task to undertake, the dangers involved make it a significant chore that is best left to a skilled technician.
7 | Transmission Fixes
Have you ever looked inside the bell housing of a vehicle’s transmission? It is a twisted labyrinth of gears, tensioners, bearings, and rods, which all have to fit right back where they belong in order for the car to function properly. If you are thinking of swapping a transmission is the right way to go instead of just building a new one, good luck getting all those sensors out of the way without breaking a few crusty clips and smashing a finger or two. Even automatic gearboxes on a small, four-cylinder engine can weigh a tremendous amount, so you will also require some assistance in order to get a new gearbox to fit in its new home.
8 | AC System Restoration
The number of components that need to be replaced in a modern vehicle when an AC compressor locks up is astonishing, After that crucial part seizes up, it will more than likely send tiny shards of metal through every inch of the system, meaning every line and fitting has to be replaced along with the condenser, evaporator, compressor, and other times. Costly, time-consuming, and dangerous, this is a task that even the most specialized mechanics dread doing.
9 | Brake Plumbing & Reservoir Replacement
Even the small things, such as replacing your brake pads and rotors, can put you in a dangerous situation very quickly. Being able to stop safer than when you began is the reason we bleed brakes and upgrade pads and rotors with aftermarket options. However, things don’t always go as we plan. So, when something rusts in half, like a master cylinder or a line, it is often best to take your vehicle to a repair shop for fixes in order for everything to be flared and fixed correctly.
10 | Defective Airbag Fixes
This last warning should be somewhat obvious, but that does not stop some people from trying to swap out detonated airbags on their own. Unplugging everything is one thing, but fitting a fresh bag is a different story. Although these kinds of repairs can save you some cash, relying on qualified professionals will offer you both with peace of mind and factory fitment without the unnecessary headaches.
San Diego Auto Repair Shops
Automobile Repair Shop San Diego is a family-owned and operated business that has been providing the best repair experience. We will offer you a hassle-free auto repair starting with a precise damage assessment or estimate. We will tow your vehicle for FREE to our shop, organize for a rental car, and work directly with the insurance company to streamline the repair process. We will even pay up to $500 of your deductible. Contact us today to see how we can help.